"It's time to summerize your boat!" Okay great! What exactly does that mean?

Summerization is the process of getting your boat:
- Assessed for issues
- Topped off with fluids/oils/lubes
- Tested for smooth running and operation
- Checked for updates
- And so much more 

Some dealerships simply put hoses and plugs back in after winter and call it a Summerize. While this is an important and necessary part of summerization, it's simply not thorough enough.

Captain's Marine has a 68 point checklist that our technicians go through during every summerize, including:

  • 14 items on the TRAILER
  • 9 items on the EXTERIOR
  • 10 items on the INTERIOR
  • 25 items on the ENGINE/SYSTEMS
  • 10 items on the FINAL CHECK

It's a rigorous process that helps ensure your boat is ready for the water when it comes time to launch it! 

Safety of you and your boat is our top priority. Which is why, upon initial launch of your boat, we recommend opening the engine hatch BEFORE leaving the dock!  Look over your engine and make sure everything looks right, and that you're not taking on any water! (Realistically, you should do this every time you launch your boat!).

Mike in service always says "Just like airplanes do checks before they take off (since you can't just step out onto the ground if something goes wrong), you can't step out of your boat if it begins to sink either. Always give your boat a thorough check before leaving the dock!".

One thing to remember: as part of the Clean. Drain. Dry. initiative, the one thing Captain's Marine doesn't do is INSTALL YOUR DRAIN PLUGS! You must install all drain plugs in your boat before launching!

Still need to get on our schedule for summerization!? Contact us here!