Pictured left to right, back row to front row:
Daniel Larsen (Technician), Levi Dronsfield (Technician), Brent Bernard (Technician), Josh Curtin (Technician), Justin Albrecht (Technician)
Jarrod Kramer (Service Advisor), Dusty Burckhard (Service Manager), Randell Seyfert (Owner), Mike Lopez (Service Advisor)

When we say we have Certified Technicians, THIS IS WHAT WE MEAN! Every single one of our 5 Technicians traveled out of state to get certified in the month of February.

Randell, Dusty, and Jarrod got certified in February as well. And as for Mike, he's been staying up to date on all the certs he already has because, well, that's what happens when you've been here for 21 years. 

Most of our 5 full time Marine Technicians are certified in more than one brand, which creates a group of guys who know how to work on just about anything, and the ability to get expert guidance from their fellow tech right then and there if they don't!

These guys work really hard to be the best at what they do.
We're incredibly proud of all of them, and honored to have them as valued members of our team.