Two important reminders for all boaters:
1) Maintain awareness of your surroundings at all times - Make sure you're always on the lookout for people, animals, logs and debris. Don't forget to be aware of height requirements when going under bridges as well. The more aware you are of your surroundings, the safer everyone will be.

2) Travel at a safe speed for environment conditions. We see it all the time: people speeding past other boaters at dangerously high speeds. Nobody likes a showoff. Keep a safe distance from all other boaters and slow down when you see them. Another important reminder is to stay at least 200 feet away from docks and beaches, which allows boat wakes to recede enough to minimize any adverse effects when they hit the shore.

Be safe, and be smart, so everyone can continue making wonderful summer memories. And don't forget: that the best life jacket is one you'll wear.