Captain's Marine encourages you to designate a Sober Skipper for every outing this summer!

Boating Under the Influence (BUI) statistics don’t lie: the effects of alcohol are greatly intensified by wind, vibration, noise and the sun, which can impair balance, coordination, concentration and judgment when on a boat. BUI is 100 percent preventable.

By taking the pledge to stay sober, you’re helping to keep everyone on board and those around you safe.

The recently released 2020 U.S. Coast Guard Recreational Boating Statistics report showed that there were significantly more boaters on the water in 2020 which resulted in an increased number of boating accidents. Unfortunately, this meant that there were 767 boating-related deaths in 2020, which is the highest total since 1998. Where the cause of the accident was known, BUI was the leading cause of 138 deaths on the water.

You can help eliminate BUI by taking the pledge to be or to designate a sober skipper before every boating trip. 

Let's create a safer Flathead so we can all enjoy boating for years to come.

Take the pledge!